Faith and Worship
A place of worship can be an important source of support for you as a newcomer. Check out this list of some of the local places of faith and worship.
Catholic Churches
Holy Name of Jesus -
(705) 495 - 1501, 895 Memorial Drive, North Bay, ON. Website here.
Paroisse St Vincent de Paul-
(705) 472 - 2850, 1265 Wyld Street, North Bay, ON. Website here.
Pro Cathedral of the Assumption -
(705) 472 - 3970, 480 McIntyre Street West, North Bay, ON. Website here.
Queen of Peace Chapel (Military Chapel)-
(705) 494 - 2011, 29 Sterling Avenue, CFB North Bay, ON. Website here.
St. Peter the Apostle-
(705) 472 - 1817, 299 Airport Road, North Bay, ON. Website here.
Christian Churches
(Lutheran, Anglican, United, Protestant, etc.)
Calvary Pentecostal Temple -
(705) 472 - 0923, 271 Ski Club Road, North Bay, ON. Website here.
Calvin Presbyterian Church -
(705) 474 - 4750, 401 First Avenue West, North Bay, ON. Website here.
Christ Church (Anglican) -
(705) 495 - 4659, 312 Greenwood Avenue, North Bay, ON. Website here.
Christ the King Chapel -
(705) 494 - 2166, 29 Sterling Avenue, CFB North Bay, ON. Website here.
Church of Christ -
(705) 472 - 7040, 73 Gertrude Street East, North Bay, ON. Website here.
Emmanuel United Church -
(705) 472 - 1806, 395 Lakeshore Drive, North Bay, ON. Website here.
First Baptist Church -
(705) 474 - 2490, 1250 Cassells Street, North Bay, ON. Website here.
Gateway Pentecostal Church -
(705) 494 - 4735, 147 Marshall Avenue East, North Bay, ON. Website here.
Greenwood Baptist Church -
(705) 474 - 0448, 235 Albert Avenue, North Bay, ON. Website here.
The Harbour Church -
(705) 472 - 1894, 30 Lees Road, North Bay, ON. Website here.
Lakeshore Missionary Church -
(705) 472 - 2150, 656 Lakeshore Drive, North Bay, ON. Website here.
Laurentian Wesleyan Church -
(705) 494 - 9710, 529 McKay Avenue, North Bay, ON. Website here.
Lutheran Church of the Redeemer -
(705) 472 - 9169, 725 Ferguson Street, North Bay, ON. Website here.
Manitou Conference of the United Church of Canada -
(705) 474 - 3350, 319 McKenzie Avenue, North Bay, ON. Website here.
Near North Baptist Church -
(705) 474 - 4980, 890 Vimy St., North Bay, ON. Website here.
Omond Memorial United Church -
(705) 472 - 2070, 319 McKenzie Avenue, North Bay, ON
St. Andrew's United Church -
(705) 472 - 7680, 399 Cassells Street, North Bay, ON. Website here.
St. Brice's Anglican Church -
(705) 474 - 4005, 1225 Cassells Street, North Bay, ON. Website here.
St. John's Anglican Church -
(705) 472 - 6070, 301 Main Street East, North Bay, ON. Website here.
Trinity United Church -
(705) 474 - 3310, 111 McIntyre Street East, North Bay, ON. Website here.
United Pentecostal Church -
(705) 474 - 5933, 15 Charles Street, North Bay, ON
St. George Greek Orthodox Church -
(705) 920 - 8935, 540 Laroque Road, North Bay, ON. Website here.
North Bay Mosque –
(705) 476 - 0346, 423 McPhail Street, North Bay, ON
The Muslim Society of North Bay –
(705) 744 - 5981 (Offers alternate places of prayer for members of the Muslim community). Website here.
Son's of Jacob Synagogue -
(705) 474 - 0600, 302 McIntyre Street West. Website here.

Did you know?
Places of faith and worship are great places to find out where to find food that meets your religious dietary needs, or stay connected to your language, culture and traditions.
What are your religious rights in Canada?
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