Health Care
Comprehensive medical services in North Bay are provided by a fully-accredited medical hospital and a psychiatric facility, co-located in the North Bay Regional Health Centre.
The medical community is comprised of specialists and general practitioners that provide patients with the highest quality of care. North Bay's physicians and specialists work with some of the most modern equipment found anywhere. Their services are sought by both local and non-resident patients in need of specialized treatment.
Health Services
North Bay Regional Health Centre (the hospital) - 705-474-8600
North Bay Regional Health Centre-Mental Health Programs and Services 705-474-8600
North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit - 705-474-1400
Telehealth Ontario - 1-866-797-0000
AIDS Committee of North Bay & Area- 705-497-3560
One Kids Place Children's Treatment Centre- 705-476-5437 or 1-866-626-9100
Walk-In Clinics
There are times when you or your family may become ill but don't require emergency care. North Bay has a number of clinics that operate during or after regular doctor office hours. These clinics are called Walk-In Clinics because you do not need to be registered with a doctor at the clinic to get an appointment. You will need a Health Care Card to access services. For location and hours click on: Community Care Resources.
Keep in Mind
Once you are settled in North Bay, you may find it difficult to find a family doctor right away. Make sure you contact Health Care Connect by calling 1-800-445-1822 or visiting their website, they will put your name on the family doctor waiting list. Until you have a family doctor, the Walk-In Clinics are a great place to go if you need medical advice.
North Bay also has several pharmacies for both over the counter and prescription medications.
Need help finding health care options where they speak your language? Visit to find a health care provider near you!

Don't have a Family Doctor?
Sign up through Health Care Connect. Call 1-800-445-1822 or visit their website.
With find your nearest health care options anytime, any day.
Find local walk-in clinics, pharmacies, and hospitals.