Skilled Newcomer Career Loan Program
The Skilled Newcomer Career Loan (SNCL) is designed to help skilled newcomers living in the Nipissing District upgrade their credentials so they can get back to work in their field while living in Ontario. Please note, this loan is not related to the Rural and Northern Ontario Immigration Pilot Project.
How much money is available?
The SNCL offers up to $5,000 for eligible applicants; eligibility criteria and terms of the loan will be discussed at time of intake. This loan is paid back over 3 years with interest-only payments for the first year to make the upgrading process as easy as possible.
Am I eligible? Find out if you’re eligible by taking our Eligibility Quiz
Please note that there are a limited number of loans available, so eligibility to be considered for a loan does not guarantee a loan.
Contact the North Bay & District Multicultural Centre at 705-495-8931 or e-mail
Disclaimer: financial support based on a first come first serve basis, subject to funding availability